Sunday, January 5, 2020

5 Ways Video Interviewing Eliminates Unconscious Bias - Spark Hire

5 Ways Video Interviewing Eliminates Unconscious Bias - Spark HireFollowing our post on eliminating unconscious bias from the hiring process, we see even more ways in which video interviewing specifically reduces unconscious bias.The 5 ways video interviews help overcome biases include getting multiple opinions, interviewing more candidates, creating stronger connections, eliminating geographic barriers, and providing a consistent experience.Getting Multiple OpinionsEveryone on your gruppe is different, and that means everyones unconscious biases are different. After working to eliminate biases from your process, your team can check each other by sharing completed video interviews.Allowing multiple people to review a candidates interview allows one to make up for the potential of a colleagues biased assessment. This way, one recruiters biases do not influence the hiring decision.Interviewing More CandidatesFor many organizations using video interviews, video interviewing technology s aves them considerable amounts of time. When you can achieve in ten minutes what used to take an hour, like FCCI Insurance, you can offer screening interviews to more candidates.Interviewing more candidates leads to giving more candidates a chance to advance in your process. When more candidates advance, your team chooses from a more diverse pool of applicants and the potential to find a diamond-in-the-rough candidate grows.Creating Stronger ConnectionsElements of video interviews allow the hiring team to establish connections to candidates earlier in the hiring process. Through the use of video questions and video messaging, hiring teams show their personalities, open themselves up to candidates, and show them more about your company.By demonstrating your company culture, candidates learn more about your company, while you learn more about them. This means both sides of the interview have the opportunity to identify if the company, position, and candidate match.Eliminating Geograph ic BarriersCandidates could face more challenges than just taking time out of their work day to interview with you. Their in-person interviews could include a long drive, flight, or even a hotel stay. Even if you can compensate candidates for their travel, there might be other unintended costs candidates incur. Finding a pet sitter or babysitter, or even leaving their spouse, parents, or roommates to fend for themselves can put more strain on candidates than you might expect.By interviewing candidates within the comfort of their own homes in a one-way or live interview, the stress of traveling evaporates. Video interviewing also allows you to save money in your hiring process, and interview candidates of different geographic backgrounds where your hiring process might not have reached before.Providing a Consistent ExperienceOne of the biggest opportunities for unconscious bias to creep into your hiring process comes with the delivery of interview questions. By using a structured int erview process, one-way interviews, and video questions, every candidate has the exact same parameters to answer your interview questions and the exact same question delivery. This standardization of the candidate experience means you can be sure candidates are treated the same way, while still bringing personality to your candidate experience.Through awareness, training, and innovative hiring solutions, it is possible to decrease the conscious and unconscious biases of your hiring process. Have an open mind, consider the process from all angles, and youll see your company improve. Good luck